The Human Brain is a power organ
that controls all body functions, interprets information from the outside world
and stores that information in our memory. Composed of Cerebrum, cerebellum and
brainstem, the brain controls our capacity for art, language, moral judgment
and rational thought. But we humans have some very wrong ideas about our brain.
Here are some of the myths about the common centre of the human nervous system.
Myth: We use only 10% of our brains – This is one of the most
popular myths about brain. It can only be tracked down by the reverse energy theory
by Harvard Psychologists William James and Boris Sidis. In 1890s, they tested
the theory in the accelerated raising of a child, thereafter; James said that
people only meet a fraction of their full mental potential, which is a plausible
claim. Many of us believe that we could achieve so much more – learning new languages,
musical instruments and sports – if only we applied ourselves. The myth sounds
appealing because they see in terms of human potential – implying that we have
huge reserves of untapped mental powers.
Myth: Brain damage is permanent – The brain can repair or compensate
for certain losses, and even generate new cells. Scientists believe that the
brain was unalterable, that once it was ‘broken’, it could not be fixed. However,
it should be noted that the brain remains plastic throughout life, and can rewire
itself in response to learning.
Myth: Doing crossword puzzles improves memory – A study
led by researchers found that solving crossword puzzles initially delayed the
onset of memory decline in individuals between the ages of 75 and 85, but sped
the decline once a person showed signs of dementia. Today, most neurologists
agree there is no harm in the activity but there is no great benefit other than
making you an expert in crossword puzzles.
Myth: Being in coma is like being asleep. You wake up well rested – In real
life, those emerging from coma often suffer disabilities and need rehabilitation.
Scientists in 2012 found that high traffic brain regions – normally bright hubs
of activity, even during sleep – are dark in coma patients while other areas
inexplicably light up.
Myth: Headaches are in the brain – Headaches are thought to be caused
by the tension and swelling of blood vessels of the brain. But there are no
pain receptors in the brain itself. However, the meninges (covering around the
brain), periosteum (covering on the bones), and the scalp have pain receptors.
Headaches are actually caused by the tightening of the muscles in the neck and
the head. Headaches may also be caused by an imbalance in serotonin levels.
Serotonin is essential for regulating mood, sleep and blood vessel size.
Myth: The brains are biologically better suited for Math and Science,
female brains are empathy – There are small anatomical differences between male
and female brains. The hippocampus, involved in memory, is usually larger in
women, while the amygdala, involved in emotion, is larger in men, which is
quite contrary to the myth. Evidence suggests gender disparities are due to
cultural expectations, not biology.
Myth: A person’s personality
displays a right brain or left brain dominance – The two sides of the brain are
intricately co-dependent. We often hear that one can be “right brained” or “left
brained” and that those who favor the right are more creative or artistic and
those who favor the left are more technical and logical. But brain scanning
technology has revealed that the two hemispheres of the brain most often work
together in complex processing. For example, language processing, once believed
to be the provenance of the left hemisphere only, is now understood to take
place in both hemispheres: the left side processes grammar and pronunciation
while the right processes intonation.
The Human brain is the largest
brain of all vertebrates relative to body size. It weighs about 1.5 kg. The
cerebrum makes up 85% of the brain weight. Brain makes up about 2% of a person
body weight. It contains about 100 Billion nerve cells. These neurons are
connected by trillions of connections or synapses. It contains 1 Billion nerve
fibers (axons and dendrites). At any given time, the brain can generate up to
25 watts of power. That’s enough to power a light bulb. Information can fly
around your brain at 260 mph. A Human brain can have a storage capacity of
anywhere between 3 terabytes and 1,000 terabytes.