Thursday, 23 January 2014


Beautiful lines By Someone,

There's no better friend than a sister
There's no one more loyal and true
And even when sisters are different
Their likeness comes shining through!

Perhaps it's a family resemblance
That strengthens the bond they share
Or maybe it's just that sister’s live life with a similar flair!

A sister is one of the nicest things that can happen to anyone. She is someone to laugh with and share with, to work with and join in the fun. She is someone who helps in the rough times and knows when you need a warm smile. She is someone who will quietly listen when you just want to talk for a while. Her love is no less than a mother. She is a true friend and mentor. After a long search I found this poem and I Want to dedicate it to my Sister.

When I sit in the shade,
And look up at a sky of blue….
I thank god for giving me
A Sister like you.

When I walk down the street in a crowd,
So Heartless and Cruel….
I thank god for giving me
A Sister like you.

When I’m tired and sore,
And I just want to sleep,
When I’m sickened with sadness
And my heart’s in a heap.
When I just want to move away
And say it’s all through….
At last, I really thank god
for a sister like you.

One song that I want to dedicate to my sister and which I always had:-

We shall overcome, we shall overcome,
We shall overcome, someday;
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,
We shall overcome someday.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Networking- Some hands go for a period of time

We network every day, everywhere. Every time one goes to school, college, office, parties, one is networking. Every time one establishes a relationship, one is networking.

Networking is very important. Some may think it is a dirty word, selfish and awkward but the truth is, networking is the number one way to get a job and build your career. It helps in building personal relationships, Job search and community impact.
In a survey it is said that the biggest reasons that college students don’t network are that they don’t know the benefits of networking or consider themselves too shy to network.

One example for Networking is:-

“Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, network together to change the world.”

Most Networking begins with a casual conversation. One never knows who may have a brother, uncle or colleague in your field. One thing that one must remember in networking is that be respectful. One can do networking anywhere. It can be in Office, Marriages, Alumni Sessions, Seminars and Fests etc.

There are certain things to remember when one meets someone for the first time. Introducing yourself and asking questions is most important. Establish rapport. Keep focus on gathering information and advice. Don’t make it a one sided conversation. Wrap up conversations with a promise to keep in touch and follow them /connect on facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.

There is a quote by Michele Jennae:-

“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities”.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Why do people lie?

Lying, deception and more broadly unethical behavior are part of human behavior. People often engage in such behavior unaware of societal consequences.

“People lie to gain access to tangible or intangible benefits and once they manage to get the opportunity, it acts as a positive reinforcement strengthening their beliefs about the act of lying or deceit. Liars are apt to try deceit at the workplace too by taking credit for work they are not entitled to and use unfair means to climb up the professional ladder.

Psychologists say that people with low self-esteem and trust deficits are prone to lie as they try to fill the gap between the “real self” and the “ideal self”.

People with personality disorders could lie in order to manipulate and deceive others without much hesitation as the act of lying gives them a sense of control and power. They do not require specific reason to lie.

Deception has been defined as a social behaviour in which an individual attempts to persuade another to accept as true what the deceiver believes to be untrue. “Deception is the part of natural world”. Organisms deceive one another because evolution made them that way.

“Human beings are part of this picture. We, too, are part of this big picture and this helps us to become more successful. Humans learn how to lie”.

Human beings have taken deception to new levels by their power of thinking. The sense of morality in humans is also important in the context of deception. When forced to react quickly to a situation, people’s tendency to lie is more: when they have time to think it over they lie less.

Ref: Mint-Tuesday, December, 17, 2013, Delhi