Thursday, 16 January 2014

Networking- Some hands go for a period of time

We network every day, everywhere. Every time one goes to school, college, office, parties, one is networking. Every time one establishes a relationship, one is networking.

Networking is very important. Some may think it is a dirty word, selfish and awkward but the truth is, networking is the number one way to get a job and build your career. It helps in building personal relationships, Job search and community impact.
In a survey it is said that the biggest reasons that college students don’t network are that they don’t know the benefits of networking or consider themselves too shy to network.

One example for Networking is:-

“Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, network together to change the world.”

Most Networking begins with a casual conversation. One never knows who may have a brother, uncle or colleague in your field. One thing that one must remember in networking is that be respectful. One can do networking anywhere. It can be in Office, Marriages, Alumni Sessions, Seminars and Fests etc.

There are certain things to remember when one meets someone for the first time. Introducing yourself and asking questions is most important. Establish rapport. Keep focus on gathering information and advice. Don’t make it a one sided conversation. Wrap up conversations with a promise to keep in touch and follow them /connect on facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.

There is a quote by Michele Jennae:-

“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities”.

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