Saturday, 24 May 2014

Make Less Waste and Save Environment

“Our land is our mother” – it is a very old quote. Land gives us whatever we need. It gives us food, fruits, survival, money, and shelter. However, are we giving anything good to land except waste and dirt? Based on statistics, around 8000 metric tonne waste is produce on a regular basis and it is dump outside cities. People living in outside skirts areas are the most affected. For poor people it is a medium of earning money. Daily rag pickers search for materials to earning money.

Last week while travelling, I was shocked to see Delhi landfills near the by-pass area. It was like a huge mountain and poor people were searching and filling rags. It was very difficult to breathe in that area. It not only affects environment but also the health of peoples living in that area. Every people living on this planet produce this waste. The day is not far when we will see negative impacts of this waste on our planet. Increase in global warming is the common example of this. One cannot burn this waste because the gases, which will be there after burning, will kill million of people. The impacts of this waste are on surface water contamination. Water bodies are being polluted and this affects all ecosystems existing in water. Another impact is increase in pollution and Delhi is termed as most polluted city in year 2014. Hazardous chemicals that get into soil harm plants and trees. Animals are also affected by this waste produced by us because they also feed themselves in the waste.

Waste and dust also have an economic impact. Everyone wants to visit clean, healthy environment places but because of increase in waste, there are no such places around us. A city with poor sanitation, smelly and with waste matter all over the place does not attract good people, investors, and tourists. Such cities tend to have poor living standards.

The only solution of this problem is to make less waste and utilize more of the waste material. This is possible only when each one of us joins hands and takes regular measures to make less waste. This, not only will save our environment but also will have healthy living standard. Another solution is recycling of this waste. Government need to invest in recycling and proper waste control. This will also increase job opportunities for people and we can live in a healthy environment. Adopting sustainability is also an important measure to save environment.

There is a famous quote said by Mahatma Gandhi – “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”

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