Sunday, 18 January 2015

Back to the wild: Christopher McCandless

Adventure is always fun and learning. For me, it is like living and discovering life without any fear. Yesterday, I watched a movie named ‘Into the wild’, which is dedicated to Christopher Johnson McCandless, who was an American adventurer. I can always relate adventure with me as I had done several activities it in the past. Chris was 22 years old and graduated from college in May 1990 when he set out across the American West in a trip that would ultimately take him to the wilds of Alaska.

He was desperate to break ties with parents. He dreamed of an Alaskan Odyssey wherein he would live off the Alaskan wilderness, far away from civilization. After his graduation, he donated all his money to charity organization and burned left over money. He left the car behind and buried the license plates. The car was later used by local police force as an undercover vehicle. He sometimes used his name as Alexander Supertramp. He kept a journal describing his physical and spiritual progress as he faced the forces of nature. He always carried set of books with him to read.
He never took money in his life from others. He worked in farms, kitchens to buy things for him and but never asked anyone to feed him. He does not even have a compass and no experience surviving in the Alaskan Bush. After hiking from the snow covered Stampede trail, Chris found an abandoned bus used as hunting shelter and began to live off the land. He had rice, rifle, several books, and some camping instrument. He lived for 113 days in the bus and never contacted his parents after he left his home.

In ‘Into the wild’ movie, it is suggested that the reason of his death was “rabbit starvation” and he might be poisoned by a toxic alkaloid called ‘swainsonine’ by ingesting seeds contain the toxic. He reached his final destination on April 28, 1992 in Fairbanks Alaska and he died on August 12, 1992. Hunters found his body 19 days after and later his parents would visit bus 142 to leave a memorial.

Chris actions have caused many different debates on safety in the wild and what not to do and many have said that he did amounted to suicide. However, he had also had a lot of praise for his courage and spirit of adventure. Bus 142 has become somewhat of a tourist attraction, with many visiting every year and posting videos and pictures on internet. There is a documentary and book written on him. The story of Chris really inspired me and gave message of not giving up dreams in life.

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