Monday, 19 September 2016

Technology – Boon or Bane for Teenagers

Human beings are lazy by nature and would love it if other people did all their work. The introduction of technology has done precisely that. If you notice, over the years we have stopped writing letters, we now write informal emails. We do not remember phone numbers; we depend on our phones to remember them for us. We do not remember birthdates, Facebook does that for us and we also wish people online now instead of making that two minute personal phone call.

Teenagers are the biggest victims and addicts of technology. They are desperate to stay connected. They’re afraid to be left out, as they feel they will miss something. This leads to a constant feeling of needing to be “on”. It is like a substance addiction. Children are so overloaded with information that they cannot focus, thereby they retain very little. Teenagers are looking for instant gratification and acceptance of who they are from their peers and Social Media gives them that platform.
Every picture or post they upload gets them a few likes and comments. This boosts their morale and that triggers the release of Dopamine, the feel good chemical. Technology is also a boon. It has connected people from all over the world. Years ago, friends would lose touch with each other because there were limited models of communication. However, today one can keep in touch with all your friends all over the world via Whatsapp, Viber, Skype, Facebook and others. Technology has increased awareness.

Technology has helped reduce the use of paper. Technology has encouraged self-learning. It is a wonderful tool if we use it appropriately. Excessive exposure to any activity will become a bane, hence it is important to limit screen time. Technology can be used for reading, enhancing analytical skills, editing videos and more. We need to make the best use of the digital world. 

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