Monday, 14 May 2018

How to set up Smarter Work Goals?

With most organizations kicking off fresh appraisal cycles, employees need to once again set their annual goals. Set smarter work goals that are better aligned to organizational priorities and your own focus areas.

Focus On Results – Your goals should be outcome oriented and impactful on key business metrics. Find ways to make your goals ‘measurable’ – it makes things easier for both you and your manager at the time of a review. Set goals that make you step out of your comfort zone and take on new challenges.

Keep Goals Aligned – While specific goals will depend on your exact line of work, in general you should align your goals to the strategy of the organization you work for. Become familiar with your company’s strategy and that of your manager, going up the organization ladder. Align your goals to their goals for optimal success.
Pay attention to Reskilling – Reskilling should definitely be one of your main goals this year. This will help you stay relevant to your profession and work environment. The concept of reskilling is the backbone of sustaining business momentum. It ensures you can address the requirements of your company and its customers. Stay focused on bridging skill gaps as well as demonstrating a high degree of learnability and inquisitiveness.

Keep the Dialogue going – It is essential to discuss your goals with your manager and your team. This dialogue can help you clearly define your goals and to adjust and change them as the environment changes. Regularly checking with managers and colleagues on how you are progressing with your goals will help maintain momentum.

Concentrate on Relevance – Your work goals will be no good unless they are relevant to the company and the environment you are operating in. Make sure your goals are relevant by taking the pulse of the industry and your company’s performance. It is also important to have good industry mentors who can objectively guide you on future trends.

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