I much enjoyed Yuval Noah Harari
Sapiens. It is a brilliant, thought-provoking odyssey through human history with
its huge confident brush strokes painting enormous scenarios across time. It is
massively engaging and continuously interesting. The book covers a
mind-boggling 13.5 Billion years of pre-history and history.
From the outset, Harari seeks to
establish the multifold forces that made Homo (‘Man’) into Homo sapiens (‘Wise
Man’) exploring the impact of a large brain, tool use, complex social structures
and more. He brings the picture up to date by drawing conclusions from mapping
the Neanderthal genome, which he thinks indicates that Sapiens did not merge
with Neanderthals but pretty much wiped them out.
Throughout Sapiens, there’s a
persistent theme about how humans continue to allow their luxuries to become
necessities. Wheat farming was beneficial for sedentary lifestyles — but
after humans established sedentary lifestyles, they had no choice but to
continue farming, else return to their nomad days. In this manner, wheat
farming, which was meant to be an advantage, became a necessity for Homo
sapiens, since they no longer wanted to return to their older lifestyle.
Similarly, writing allowed
humans to store ideas and thoughts outside of their brains. This is greatly
helpful to pass information from generation to generation and to record
financial transactions. However, as writing’s popularity grew, it not only
became a necessity for all transactions and information storage, but it also
has actually changed the way Homo sapiens think. A similar effect occurs today
in the Google Era, where we no longer remember information snippets, instead of remembering where to obtain the information.
Sapiens doesn’t read like a
textbook. It entices the readers from the first page and flows well, connecting
lots of information in an interesting way. The book is split into four
different sections, starting with the Cognitive Revolution. We
were not always the only humans roaming the Earth. In fact, our singularity is
unique. Sapiens encourages the reader to rethink our
conceptions about humanity and tends to take a more objective scientific
approach, focusing on our development as animals rather than some ‘high being.’
Harari addresses different theories of why we survived while our other fellow Homo family
members didn’t. The book does a good job of explaining the “fictions” that
people create in order to work together and create a functioning, forever
evolving society.
The second part of the book is
focused on the Agricultural Revolution and takes a different tone I’ve
read before when it comes to the positive or negative impact of humanity’s move
to farming. In fact, Harari thinks its history’s “biggest fraud.” He
makes the argument that while the agricultural revolution was good for our
species in the sense that we “created more copies of our DNA,” but bad in terms
of quality of life and human suffering. It also contributed to the suffering of
animals and the deterioration of entire ecosystems.
This section also talks about the
rise of the elite and the development of writing and mathematics. But the most
interesting part of this section was chapter eight when Harari writes about the
different “fictions’ in our society that organize us as well as the reality
that “human rights” aren’t exactly what we think they are. A lot of this section
is devoted to talking about the concept of “purity” in different cultures and
how humans use it to segment themselves from other groups. He also delves into
the subject of sex and gender, exploring the possibilities as to why many
societies have developed into patriarchies. This section is a lot less about
the events that took place during the Agricultural revolution and more about
the reasons different societies developed the way that they did through
different lenses like race, sex, and social status.
three is called the Unification
of Humankind and focuses primarily on the growing unity between
parts of the globe. Harari questions the modern political order, asking How American politics can both support the
individual and equality? And how do you believe in one God and also a dualistic
Devil? Most of the section is focused on addressing the different
ways in which humanity has used our cognitive dissonance and duelling cultural
values in order to move forward and the different major forces that have
unified the globe in the modern era. The most interesting parts of this section
had to do with the creation of money and the development of religion and
ideology. I also thought that his argument as to why different ideologies such
as communism are religions was fascinating and that he does an excellent job of
explaining the different kinds of Humanisms.
Part four evaluates the world in
terms of money, imperialism, capitalism, and modern science. So much of this
book is focused on the importance of environmentalism and encourages the reader
to think about their place in our ecological environment on this Earth and not
just as a part of humanity. He also asks the reader to evaluate the last 200
years of history and the oddity of our exponential growth compared to the rest
of our history. The reframing of the Industrial Revolution as a drastic change
in the structure of our communities and families is well done. His view of the
modern age feels optimistic, pointing out that while sometimes things feel
bleak, humanity is also much less violent and connected to global interests
than ever before.
Sapiens is
different than a traditional history book in the way that it seeks to explain
history through the lens of different significant ideologies and concepts
rather than events. It asks why things happened in relation to various forces
and questions them thoroughly rather than merely saying that they happened.
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